Mastress of Disguise

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Deb Doublemint, mastress of disguise, surprises Helen and Anders by appearing on their podcast. Literally, that is how good she is. We thought we had another guest lined up, but we were wrong Deb dropped in unexpectedly and taught us about how one runs a disguise business, all the things you can do as a subterfuge specialist, and so much more. Way more than we bargained for, actually.

Duration: 41:00

Produced by Cat Hollander and Max McCal
Intro vocals by Hans Fricke
Intro music is Blame by Fresh Body Shop
End credits music is Blind Love by Jeris
Additional sound effects from
Logo by Nikki Johl
Character art by Tessa McCal
Episode art uses an image from DANNY G on Unsplash
This episode’s executive producer was Nicole Odell (Podcast)

Max McCal