Firestone Treasure Diary

We’re on our way! Today we get on a boat and head toward the Farallon Islands. But it’s not just ocean sounds and Anders being uncomfortable. We have a guest! Our boat is being piloted by the fantastic Carol Firestone, a legacy treasure hunter with big ambitions and one hell of a tale to tell. Join us as we take an ocean voyage, and finally set sail for the next clue in the Lost Hunnicup Treasure!

Duration: 40:28

Produced by Cat Hollander and Max McCal
Intro vocals by Hans Fricke
Intro music is Blame by Fresh Body Shop
End credits music is Blind Love by Jeris
Logo by Nikki Johl
Character art by Tessa McCal
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash
This episode’s executive producer was Bri Cala

Max McCal