Alameda Gallery of Family Artifacts

Robert Holmes comes from Alameda California, and he has a passion for the everyday artifacts of family living. The spoons and remote controls and bottle openers that inhabit our homes call out to him. He displays them all, lovingly in his gallery. Maybe he can help us out with our search for Helen Hunnicup Sr's pocket watch? This week we tackle treasures of the heart. The forgettable but priceless things that make us who we are. Also, AOL disks. Remember those?

Duration: 38:18

Produced by Cat Hollander and Max McCal
Intro vocals by Hans Fricke
Intro music is Blame by Fresh Body Shop
End credits music is Blind Love by Jeris
Logo by Nikki Johl
Character art by Tessa McCal
Photo by Anastasia Dulgier on Unsplash
This episode’s executive producer was Gabe Sanchez (The Next Door Horror)

Max McCal